Sending and receiving email :: 75Xpress Mail Network EditionXpress Mail Network Edition is a zero-footprint, hosted corporate email solutionfor the Treo. In a hosted email solution, the wireless email server resides behindCingular's firewall instead of behind the customer's firewall and network. Byeliminating the need to purchase costly software licenses and servers, NetworkEdition is a much faster way for companies to wirelessly enable their uses to accessemail and corporate applications. For more information on Network Edition, go Mail Personal EditionXpress Mail Personal Edition is an individual email solution for the Treo. It allows forself-registration and a quick and easy setup for access to both personal and businessemail. A software redirector is installed on your computer with a connection to theInternet and sends email out to your phone wirelessly. Personal Edition allows foreasy access to POP3 and ISP email. To register for Personal Edition go to the Xpress Mail applicationThe Xpress Mail application appears in the Applications View as a Get Mail icon.Select Get Mail to open a screen where you can choose the Xpress Mail option youwant to use and whether you plan to access business email, personal mail, or both:• Corporate Users: Select Enterprise or Network Edition download.• Personal Users: Select Personal Edition download.