23The top line of the Control Panel’s display is the status area that shows the current system mode, thestatus of the sensors, and any current trouble alerts. Special icons are displayed to visually show thesystem’s current condition.AC Power IconThe AC power icon displays whether theControl Panel is receiving AC line power or not.Phone Line Failure IconIf the system detects a telephone line failure,the phone line failure icon will be displayed.Backup Battery Status IconIf the Control Panel’s backup battery tests lowor exhausted, the low backup battery icon willbe displayed.Test Mode IconWhen the system is placed in System TestMode, the test mode icon will fl ash in thestatus bar of the display during the testing.Remote Installer Access IconWhen the system is being remotely accessedby your installer with a computer over thetelephone, the remote access icon will bedisplayed.Radio Modem IconIf the system’s optional GSM radio modem isinstalled, the GSM radio icon will be displayedon the status bar while the GSM radio is beingused to update software or add features.Interior Sensor Open IconIf an interior sensor is open (or a motiondetector has just been activated) the houseicon will be displayed on the status bar. As awarning, the icon fl ashes during arming.System Status IconsSystem Status IconsStatus Icon AreaLow Backup Battery IconLOWBACKUPBATTERYAC Power IconsACPOWERONACPOWEROFFPhone Line Failure IconPHONELINEFAILURETest Mode IconSYSTEMIN TESTMODERemote Installer Access IconREMOTEACCESSOCCURRINGRadio Modem IconRADIOMODEMACTIVEInterior Sensor Open IconINTERIORSENSOROPEN