24MessagingSystem MessagesYour security system supports receiving messages from the Central Monitoring Station. The messagescan be about system upgrades, additional services, special regional weather alerts, etc. The messagescan be sent for all system users to read, or as confidential messages that only the Master User canread. Messages can be tagged by the sender as standard, urgent, or emergency priority.Up to 31 text messages can be stored in the Control Panel’s memory. They can be reviewed throughthe Control Panel’s display. Displayed messages can be fi ltered by type and sorted by date oralphabetically. Messages can be saved in the Control Panel, or deleted after they are read.Displaying MessagesWhen a message is sent to the Control Panel,three beeps will sound and the message iconwill display on the Security Screen. Standardmessages display a blue message iconwith a number of unread messages in theupper right corner. Urgent messages display ayellow message icon with an attentionsymbol in the upper right corner. Emergencymessages display a red message icon withthe bell symbol in the upper right corner.Reading MessagesWhen a message icon appears, follow thesesteps to read the message(s):1. Press the message icon button.2. The message list will display. The statusbar shows the number of messagesin memory, number of unread, andnumber of priority messages. Unreadmessages will display in bold. Usethe ↑ or ↓ arrows to scroll the list.3. Press the message line on themessage list to view the message.4. Press BACK to return to the messagelist, or press DELETE to erase themessage. If the MARK AS READ boxis checked, the message will remainon the message list if it’s not deleted,but it will not be displayed in bold.5. When deleting a message, aconfi rmation screen will display. PressDELETE MESSAGE to delete, or pressCANCEL to return to the message.6. A delete acknowledge screenwill display. Press OK to returnto the message list.Standard Text MessageMessage Delete ConfirmationStandard Message IconMessage ListUrgent Message IconUrgentMessage IconEmergencyMessage IconStandardMessage Icon