25Reading Confi dential MessagesWhen a confi dential message is sent to the Control Panel, only users with the Master User Code candisplay the message.Use the following steps for confidential messages:1. Press the message line on themessage list. If the message is aconfi dential message, the codeentry screen will be displayed.2. Enter the Master User Code on thecode entry screen. Regular UserCodes will not be accepted.3. View the displayed message.4. Proceed to save or delete the messageas detailed in the previous section.Filtering MessagesTo select which type of messages will be displayedon the message list, use the message filters.1. Press FILTERS to display themessage fi lter option screen.2. Check or un-check the types ofmessages to display. Press ALLto check all types. Press BACKto return to the message list.The fi lters will reset, selecting all types, whenyour message reviewing is over and the systemreturns to the Security Screen.Sorting MessagesTo select the order in which messages aredisplayed on the message list, use the messagesorting options.1. Press SORTS to display themessage sorting option screen.2. Pick an option to sort themessages by date received, dateexpired, or alphabetically.3. Check the REVERSE box to reversethe display order. Check the PRIORITYbox to list urgent messages first.4. Press BACK to return tothe message list.The sort options will reset when the messagereviewing session is over.MessagingCode Entry Screen for Confi dential MessagesConfi dential MessageMessage Filter ScreenMessage Sort ScreenMessage ListPressHere