GLOSSARY96modemA device that transmits/receives computer datathrough a communications channel such asradio or telephone lines. It also changes signalsreceived from the phone line back to digitalsignals before passing them to the receivingcomputer.nonvolatile memory (NVRAM)User-programmable random access memorywhose data is retained when power is turnedoff. On the U.S. Robotics modem, it includesfour stored phone numbers and the hookModem operations that are the equivalent ofmanually lifting a phone receiver (taking it off-hook) and replacing it (going on-hook).online fall back/fall forwardA feature that allows high-speed, error-controlmodems to monitor line quality and fall back tothe next lower speed in a defined range if linequality diminishes. As line conditions improve,the modems switch up to the next higherspeed.originate modeThe mode used by your modem when initiatingan outgoing call to a destination modem. Thetransmit/receive frequencies are the reverse ofthe called modem, which is in answer mode.