U SING MODEM S TATION56MODEM CONFIGURATORModem Configurator provides an easy-to-useinterface for entering hard-to-remembercommands. Use Modem Configurator fortroubleshooting, initial configuration, and tuningyour modem for optimum performance. Usingthe options available in Modem Configurator,you can control nearly every aspect of yourmodem’s performance. We will discussModem Configurator’s options in more detailin later sections.ABOUTThe About option provides copyright andversion information.CONTACT/SUPPORTThis option details how to get in touch with3Com.TIP: For your convenience, weprovide many on-line supportavenues. For specific questions,our fax-on-demand service is agood place to start. You candownload FAQs, software, and helpfiles from our Web sites and BBS,or receive individualized supportvia support@usr.com. Type 0000 (4zeroes) in the subject line of youre-mail.