U SING MODEM S TATION64If you look in the upper left hand corner of thedisplay, you will see the commands currently inuse.The “Modem to Computer” screen allows youto configure the following settings:♦ LOCAL ECHO♦ RESULT CODES♦ RESULT CODE PREFERENCESTIP: If you type ATDT and see‘AATTDDTT’ on your screen, it ispossible that both your software andmodem have Local Echo set to ‘ON’.Turn Local Echo ‘OFF’ on EITHER themodem or the software to solve thisproblem.For details on using the commands in thisscreen, refer to the “Glossary” or “TechnicalQuick Reference” sections of this manual.Click Help to see quick definitions ofterminology used in this screen.This screen also includes a chart of the waysresult codes can be displayed. Click Codes toview a chart of the display options.Once you configure your settings, click Saveto Modem to save your choices.