U SING MODEM S TATION58modem and display make and modelinformation under the assigned port. Allcurrently active ports should display “PortOK” under the heading. If a port displays a“Port Error”, it usually means that the port isdisabled in system setup.NOTE: Different systems andBIOSes use different methods ofdisabling COM ports. As a result,we cannot provide support fordisabling/enabling COM ports.Please refer to your system’sdocumentation or contact themanufacturer of your system forfurther information.If you look at the information for the port yourmodem is using, you will see three buttons.These allow you to access Terminal andModem Configurator without going back tothe main menu. Extended Information providesdetailed information about your modem,previous connections, firmware dates, etc. Thisnext section details using the Terminal option.Using TerminalYou can access Terminal from either the Mainmenu or the Detect New Modems screen.Clicking Terminal brings up the Terminalwindow.In addition to allowing direct entry of modemcommands, the Terminal window also allows