Link LED 25Link LEDEach 3C509B NIC has a light-emitting diode (LED) thatindicates whether an active 10BASE-T network connectionexists between the NIC and the hub. The LED flashes if thepolarity of the network cable is reversed.When you first install the NIC and power-on the computer,the LED lights, but the network link is inactive. To enablethe network link, you must install the network driver.Table 4 describes the LED states.If the NIC LED indicates a problem, perform thefollowing steps:1 Ensure that the network hub and the networkcable connected to your EtherLink 10 ISA NICcomply with the 10BASE-T specifications.2 Ensure that the hub is powered on.You have completed the hardware installation. Toinstall software: For PCs running Windows 95 or Windows 98, go toChapter 2. For PCs running Windows NT, go to Chapter 4. For PCs running DOS, Windows 3.x, orWindows for Workgroups, go to Chapter 5.Table 4 NIC LED InterpretationLED State MeaningOn If drivers are installed, the connection is active.If drivers are not installed, this state indicates that theNIC is receiving power.Off If the LED is not lit, something is preventing theconnection between the NIC and the hub.Blinking If the LED is blinking, the cable polarity is reversed. Trya different network cable or contact your networksupport representative.