2 CUSTOM INSTALLATIONSETUP FOR WINDOWS 95/98This chapter describes how to set up your Windows 95or Windows 98 (Windows 95/98) PC so that you can usethe 3Com Installation Wizard to install and configure a3C509B NIC.If your PC is running Windows NT, go to Chapter 4. Ifyour PC is running DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows forWorkgroups, go to Chapter 5.You must first determine whether a Plug and Play BIOS isinstalled in your Windows 95/98 PC. See “Performing thePreinstallation Procedure” on page 30.If you are running Windows 95/98 with a Plug and Play PC,you have the option to perform an Express installation. Seethe Quick Guide for the EtherLink 10 Mbps ISA NetworkInterface Card for Express installation procedures.Selecting the Type of InstallationYou can use the 3Com Installation Wizard to installand configure the NIC for a Windows 95/98 PC in eitherof two ways: Express installation Custom installationExpress InstallationExpress installation, the installation method that most typicalWindows 95/98 users choose, is fast and easy and requiresonly minimal user intervention. See the Quick Guide for theEtherLink 10 Mbps ISA Network Interface Card that camewith the 3C509B NIC for information on how to performthe Express installation.Express installation loads the latest drivers from theEtherDisk diskette, automatically tests the NIC and yournetwork, and dynamically binds TCP/IP to the NIC.