508 CHAPTER 45: REMOTE -P ING CONFIGURATION8 Configuring UDP test on Remote-Ping clientDisplay test results display Remote-Ping results [admin-name operation-tag ]RequiredThe display command can beexecuted in any view.Table 378 Configure TCP test on Remote-Ping clientOperation Command DescriptionTable 379 Configure UDP test on Remote-Ping clientOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enable the Remote-Ping clientfunctionRemote-Ping-agent enable RequiredBy default, the Remote-Pingclient function is disabled.Create a Remote-Ping testgroup and enter its viewRemote-Pingadministrator-nameoperation- tagRequiredBy default, no test group isconfigured.Configure the destinationaddressdestination-ip ip-address RequiredThis IP address and the oneconfigured on theRemote-Ping server forlistening service must be thesame.By default, no destinationaddress is configured.Configure the destinationportdestination-portport-number■ Required in a Udpprivatetest■ A Udppublic test is a UDPconnection test on port 7.Use theRemote-Ping-serverudpecho ip-address 7command on the server toconfigure the listeningservice port; otherwise thetest will fail. No portnumber needs to beconfigured on the client;any destination portnumber configured on theclient will not take effect.■ By default, no destinationport number is configured.Configure the source IPaddresssource-ip ip-address OptionalBy default, no source IPaddress is configured.Configure the source port source-port port-number OptionalBy default, no source port isspecified.Configure the test type test-type { udpprivate |udppublic }RequiredBy default, the test type isICMP.