510 CHAPTER 45: REMOTE -P ING CONFIGURATIONConfiguring Remote-Ping client to send Trap messagesTrap messages are generated regardless of whether the Remote-Ping test succeedsor fails. You can specify whether to output Trap messages by enabling/disablingTrap sending.Configure the maximumnumber of history records thatcan be savedhistory-records number Figure 179 OptionalBy default, the maximumnumber is 50.Configure the automatic testintervalfrequency interval OptionalBy default, the automatic testinterval is zero seconds,indicating no automatic testwill be made.Configure the probe timeouttimetimeout time OptionalBy default, a probe times outin three seconds.Configure the type of service tos value OptionalBy default, the service type iszero.Configure the domain nameto be resolveddns resolve-targetdomaidomainnameRequiredBy default, the domain nameto be resolved by DNS is notspecified.Configure the IP address ofthe DNS serverdns-server ip-address RequiredBy default, no DNS serveraddress is configured.Start the test test-enable RequiredDisplay test results display Remote-Ping results [admin-name operation-tag ]RequiredThe display command can beexecuted in any view.Table 381 Configure the Remote-Ping client to send Trap messagesOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enable the Remote-Ping clientfunctionRemote-Ping-agent enable RequiredBy default, the Remote-Pingclient function is disabled.Create a Remote-Ping testgroup and enter its viewRemote-Pingadministrator-nameoperation- tagRequiredBy default, no test group isconfigured.Enable the Remote-Ping clientto send Trap messagessend-trap { all | { probefailure |testcomplete | testfailure }* }RequiredBy default, Trap sending isdisabled.Configure the number ofconsecutive unsuccessfulRemote-Ping tests before Trapoutputtest-failtimes times OptionalBy default, Trap messages aresent each time a test fails.Table 380 Configure DNS test on Remote-Ping clientOperation Command Description