Upgrades 5-5Upgrades Upgrade procedures require you to remove the server cover.CAUTION: Procedures that involve removing the server cover must beperformed by service personnel only.“Service personnel” means people who have appropriate technicaltraining and experience. Service personnel are aware of hazards theyare exposed to and of methods to minimize the danger to themselves andothers.Follow the instructions in this section carefully. If any problems occur,contact 3Com or your authorized service representative immediately.If the information in release notes shipped with an upgrade kit differsfrom the information in this guide, follow the release notes.WARNING: Do not open the power supply. It contains hazardousvoltages. There are no user-serviceable parts inside.VORSICHT: Öffnen Sie niemals das Netzteil. Hochspannung! Es sindkeine zu wartenden Teile enthalten.AVERTISSEMENT: Ne pas ouvrir le bloc d’alimentation. Tensionsdangereuses à l’intérieur. Ne contient aucune piece que l’utilisateurpuisse réparer.PELIGRO: No abra fuente de alimentacion. Contiene alta tensión. Nohay partes para reemplazar adentro.CS2500BookFile : MaintenanceUpgrades Page 5 Thursday, December 11, 1997 10:44 AM