(controlled by the PSTO input), giving switching commands through the CMDPOS12 andCMDPOS21 outputs.The output POSITION is an integer output, showing the actual position as an integernumber 0 – 3.An example where VSGGIO is configured to switch Autorecloser enabled–disabled froma button symbol on the local HMI is shown in figure 126. The Close and Open buttons onthe local HMI are normally used for enable–disable operations of the circuit breaker.IEC07000112-2-en_ansi.vsdPSTOCMDPOS12IPOS1NAM_POS1NAM_POS2IPOS2CMDPOS21DisabledEnabledVSGGIOSMBRREC_79ONOFFSETONINTONEINVOUT INPUTANSI07000112 V2 ENFigure 126: Control of Autorecloser from local HMI through Selector mini switch10.6.3 Setting guidelinesSelector mini switch (VSGGIO) function can generate pulsed or steady commands (bysetting the Mode parameter). When pulsed commands are generated, the length of thepulse can be set using the tPulse parameter. Also, being accessible on the single linediagram (SLD), this function block has two control modes (settable through CtlModel):Dir Norm and SBO Enh.10.7 IEC61850 generic communication I/O functionsDPGGIO10.7.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberIEC 61850 generic communication I/OfunctionsDPGGIO - -1MRK 511 286-UUS A Section 10Control265Application manual