Analog input signalsUp to 40 analog signals can be selected among internal analog and analog input signals.PCM600 is used to configure the signals.The analog trigger of Disturbance report is not affected if analog input M is to be includedin the disturbance recording or not (OperationM = Enabled/Disabled).If OperationM = Disabled, no waveform (samples) will be recorded and reported in graph.However, Trip value, pre-fault and fault value will be recorded and reported. The inputchannel can still be used to trig the disturbance recorder.If OperationM = Enabled, waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported ingraph.NomValueM: Nominal value for input M.OverTrigOpM, UnderTrigOpM: Over or Under trig operation, Disturbance report maytrig for high/low level of analog input M (Enabled) or not (Disabled).OverTrigLeM, UnderTrigLeM: Over or under trig level, Trig high/low level relativenominal value for analog input M in percent of nominal value. Sub-function parametersAll functions are in operation as long as Disturbance report is in operation.IndicationsIndicationMaN: Indication mask for binary input N. If set (Show), a status change of thatparticular input, will be fetched and shown in the disturbance summary on local HMI. Ifnot set (Hide), status change will not be indicated.SetLEDN: Set yellow Pick up and red Trip LED on local HMI in front of the IED if binaryinput N changes status.Disturbance recorderOperationM: Analog channel M is to be recorded by the disturbance recorder (Enabled)or not (Disabled).If OperationM = Disabled, no waveform (samples) will be recorded and reported in graph.However, Trip value, pre-fault and fault value will be recorded and reported. The inputchannel can still be used to trig the disturbance recorder.If OperationM = Enabled, waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported ingraph.Section 12 1MRK 511 286-UUS AMonitoring300Application manual