GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase),(VBase) and (SBase).SummationType: Summation type (Group 1 + Group 2, Group 1 - Group 2, Group 2 -Group 1 or –(Group 1 + Group 2)).DFTReference: The reference DFT block (InternalDFT Ref,DFTRefGrp1 or ExternalDFT ref) .FreqMeasMinVal: The minimum value of the voltage for which the frequency iscalculated, expressed as percent of VBase (for each instance x).15.11 Global base values GBASVAL15.11.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberGlobal base values GBASVAL - -15.11.2 ApplicationGlobal base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values, common forall applicable functions within the IED. One set of global values consists of values forcurrent, voltage and apparent power and it is possible to have six different sets.This is an advantage since all applicable functions in the IED use a single source of basevalues. This facilitates consistency throughout the IED and also facilitates a single pointfor updating values when necessary.Each applicable function in the IED has a parameter, GlobalBaseSel, defining one out ofthe six sets of GBASVAL functions.15.11.3 Setting guidelinesVBase: Phase-to-phase voltage value to be used as a base value for applicable functionsthroughout the IED.IBase: Phase current value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughoutthe IED.1MRK 511 286-UUS A Section 15Basic IED functions339Application manual