31D M X T R A I T S : C H A N N E L F U N C T I O N S & VA L U E SCHANNEL DMXVALUES FUNCTIONBasic Std Ext 40 Ext 104 CMY Std CMY Ext25 34 98 25 28Dimming Speed (cont’d)159 9.0 s160 10.0 s161 - 255 Default to unit settings26 35 99 26 29Dim Curves000 - 020 Square021 - 040 Linear041 - 060 Inv. Squa.061 - 080 S. Curve081 - 255 No function18 27 36 100 27 30Internal Programs000 - 009 No function010 - 019 Program 1020 - 029 Program 2030 - 039 Program 3040 - 049 Program 4050 - 059 Program 5060 - 069 Program 6070 - 079 Program 7080 - 089 Program 8090 - 099 Program 9100 - 109 Program 10110 - 119 Program 11120 - 129 Program 12130 - 139 Program 13140 - 149 Program 14150 - 159 Program 15160 - 169 Program 16170 - 179 Program 17180 - 189 Program 18190 - 199 Program 19200 - 209 Program 20210 - 255 No function19 28 37 101 28 31 000 - 255 Program Speed, slow to fast20 29 38 102 29 32 000 - 255 Program Fade, min to max21 30 39 103 30 33 000 - 255 Pan/Tilt Speed, max to minCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE