POTENTIAL INTERNAL DAMAGE FROM ‘TIPPING’ FIXTURE DURING TRANSPORT ANDHANDLINGThis is a large format fixture that contains delicate optics and glass filters. While this product wascarefully designed to be roadworthy, it must be handled carefully during transportation. Beforetransport, ensure that the color flags inside the unit are placed in an OPEN position.For superior impact protection, the fixture is shipped in a custom fitted high-density Foam Inlay(FIL). This FIL must be used inside the road-cases for transportation.DO NOT TIP THE CASE OVER, AND AVOID ALL SHOCKS AND ROUGH HANDLING, ESPECIALLY“TIPPING”, THE PRACTICE OF TIPPING THE FIXTURE-CASE OVER TO ITS SIDE AND ONTOA HARD SURFACE. THE CASE MUST RIDE ON ITS WHEELS SO THAT THE FIXTURE-HEADREMAINS HORIZONTAL DURING TRANSPORTATION.7T R A N S P O R T A N D H A N D L I N G