ADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam RXONE User Manual Page 16Vizi Beam RXONE Power Cord Daisy ChainWith this feature you can connect the fixtures to one another using the power input and outputsockets.The maximum number of fixtures that can be connected in this manner is as follows:• 8 fixtures maximum @ 120V• 16 fixtures maximum @230VAfter this quantity has been exceeded, a new power outlet will be required in order to accom-modate additional devices.All connected fixtures must be of the same make and model type. DO NOT mix fixtures.Vizi Beam RXONE DMX ControlUniversal DMX Control: This function allows you to use a universal DMX-512 controller. A DMXcontroller allows you to create unique programs tailored to your individual needs.• The Vizi Beam RXONE has two DMX channel modes: a 15 channel mode and 17 channel mode.See the Channel Mode sections of this manual for detailed descriptions of the DMX traits.• To control your fixture in DMX mode, follow the procedures shown in the DMX Set Up section ofthis manual as well as the set-up specifications that are included with your DMX controller.• Follow the instructions shown in the System Menu section of this manual to select your desiredDMX channel mode and to set your desired DMX address.• Use the controller’s faders to control the various DMX fixture traits.• For longer cable runs (more than a 100 feet) use a terminator on the last fixture.• For help operating in DMX mode consult the manual included with your DMX controller.