ADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam RXONE User Manual Page 9Vizi Beam RXONE Important Discharge Lamp WarningsLAMP REPLACEMENT WARNING (Software Version >V4.3)When the lamp reaches 5700 Hours of usage, the display will flash the message “Replace Lamp-Soon”. This message will flash for up to 10 minutes. To confirm this warning and return to normaloperation, press the ENTER button.When the lamp reaches 6000 Hours of usage, the display will flash the message “Replace LampNow”. This message will flash for up to 10 minutes. To confirm this warning and return to normaloperation, press the ENTER button. NOTE: When the fixture is powered OFF and then back ONagain, the fixture display will flash the following message: “Replace Lamp Now”.When the lamp reaches 6200 Hours of usage, the display again will flash the message “ReplaceLamp Now”. The unit will now no longer respond to DMX commands and enter hibernation mode,which will discontinue all fixture functionality with the exception of a few menu commands. Thefixture will continue to enter into hibernation mode until the lamp is replaced and the lamp time hasbeen reset.See the “Lamp Time” sub-section of the System Menu section of this manual for the procedure onhow to reset the lamp time.NOTE: After replacing the lamp, the lamp time MUST be reset. The lamp time must be reset togain access to the full system menu.