TA 544 User Manual/61200704L1-1APage 39 of 68© 2001, ADTRAN, Inc. TA 544 User ManualFiltersThe TA 544 can block packets in and out of a WAN port by use of the filters. They are set up on a per-Connection List profile basis. They are set up in two steps: (1) define the types of packets that would beof interest, and (2) set up the filter type and combination of defines that will cause a packet block.MAX F AILURE Due to the nature of PPP, configuration optionsmay not be agreed upon between two PPP peers.This value is the number of configuration-naksthat should occur before an option is configura-tion-rejected. This allows a connection to suc-ceed that might otherwise fail. The possiblevalues are 5 (def), 10, 15 and 20.PPP E NCAPSULATION Select either LLC mode or VC-MUX mode.WAN- TO-LAN (I N) The packets which come into the TA 544 can befiltered in three ways:D ISABLED (DEF) Turns off packet input filtering. No incomingpackets are blocked.B LOCK A LL All incoming packets from theWAN areblocked except as defined in the F ILTERS/INEXCEPTIONS list.F ORWARD A LL All incoming packets from the WAN are notblocked except as defined in thee F ILTERS/INEXCEPTIONS list.IN E XCEPTIONS This is a list of up to 32 entries which can becombined using the operations field. The opera-tions are performed in the order they appear onthe list.A CTIVE Turns this entry active when set to On.TYPE Selects the filter define list to reference:MACPATTERNIPIPXF ILTER L IST N AME Selects between filters defined in the list.N EXT OPER The next operation to use to combine withthe next filter in the list.END the last filter to combination.AND logically AND this filter with thenext filter in the list.OR logically OR this filter with thenext filter in the list.