TA 544 User Manual/61200704L1-1APage 47 of 68© 2001, ADTRAN, Inc. TA 544 User ManualThe following settings are used for FRF5.L AN FR MAINT P ROTOCOL Frame Relay maintenance or signaling protocolbetween local V.35 port and the attached DTEport, support ANSI Annex A, CCITT Q933 An-nex D, CISCO LMI or Static (no signaling).L AN FR POLL TIMEOUTT392 (5-30)T392 for signaling protocol, typical value 15. Nomeaning if Maint Protocol is Static.FRN P ORT C ONFIG Logical Frame Relay ports over ATM. Up to 4ports are supported with each port supporting upto 4 DLCI mappings. Go to NUM field. Typing "i"or "I" will insert another entry, and typing "d" or"D" will delete one entry.N AME To identify your port.ATM VPI Specifies the virtual path over which thislogical port is running.ATM VCI Specifies the virtual circuit over which thislogical port is running.D E MAP Frame Relay to ATM DE mapping; defaultvalue (F RN O NLY, ATM 0) suggested.CLPI MAP ATM to Frame Relay CLPI map; defaultvalue (F RN O NLY) suggested.D/C Set D/C field in the header to 0 or 1.H EADER Header format; only 2 bytes supported now.M AINT PROTOCOL Maintenance or signaling protocol over thislogical Frame Relay port. Support Annex A,Annex D, CISCO LMI or Static.M UX MODE Many DLCIs or one DLCI mapping over thisport.DLCI MAP Actual DLCI mappings.L AN DLCI The DLCI configured over local V.35Frame Relay port.N ET DLCI The DLCI configured over the WANside logical Frame Relay port.A CTIVE Always active, not configurable.