TA 544 User Manual © 2001, ADTRAN, Inc.TA 544 User Manual/61200704L1-1APage 44 of 68Configuring Voice Support – StatusUse the VOICE/S TATUS menu to view and set the parameters shown in Figure 16.Figure 16. Voice/Status Menu> Gateway StatsThe G ATEWAY S TATS menu shows the current state of the communication link between the TA 544 and the VoiceGateway. The Gateway Link is indicated as U P or D OWN. A count of management messages is indicated along withthe number of active calls in progress.> PVC StatsThe PVC STATS menu shows the current state of the virtual circuit used between the Voice Gateway and the TA 544IAD for voice signaling and voice payload delivery.> Voice StatsThe POTS S TATS menu shows real-time indication status of each voice port on the TA 544. From this menu, on a perport basis, the user can determine which ports are active/inactive. Several statistics at this menu are used only for in-ternal ADTRAN development. Task, Inserts, and Drops indicators are for internal use only.> Clear StatsThe C LEAR STATS menu can be used to clear the counters used for VOICE/S TATUS menus.