286.1.1. A-BPM Waiting ModeItems to monitor measurement state can be displayed on theLCD panel while waiting time of A-BPM.# In waiting mode, the indicators are automatically hidden.Press any switch to show items.A-BPM waiting mode is a state that blood pressure is notmeasured during the interval time.6.1.2. Sleep Function and Interval timeSet the sleep mode to "ON" in the preset program.When the EVENT switch is pressed during A-BPM, theinterval time doubles.When the EVENT switch is pressed again in A-BPM, theinterval time returns to original length.Refer to "8.3. A-BPM Preset Programs" for information on howto set the sleep mode.T : Interval timeMeasurement intervalRemaining time to next start timeCurrent timeBlood pressure measurementAUTO switch to "ON"EVENT switch EVENT switchTT 2T 2T 2T T TStore parameters of the sleep modeTime