316.2.1. S-BPM ProgramsOffice blood pressure OBPWhen the / switch is pressed, blood pressure is measuredonce and is stored in the memory.Automated office blood pressure AOBPWhen the / switch is pressed, AOBP is started.First, the device is idle for the interval time to allow the patient to relax.Next, the AOBP performs a "1 scope"."1 scope" consists of a set of blood pressure measurements andinterval times which are repeated to the number of themeasurement count. The last interval time is omitted.When the / switch is pressed during the "1 scope", the "1scope" is stopped.T : Interval timePress the / switch to start the measurement.TimeBlood pressure measurementPress the / switch to start the "1 scope".T T TimeT T TPress the / switch to start the "1 scope".Press the / switch to stop the "1 scope".T T TimeT T TNot measured1 scopeBlood pressure measurement