10/19/21, 7:42 PM AXIS W100 Body Worn Camera User manualhttps://help.axis.com/axis-w100-body-worn-camera 19/68Certificates authenticate devices on a network, and enable encrypted web browsing usingHTTPS. We recommend using certificates to securely connect to your body worn system.To securely connect to your body worn system:NoteAlternatively, you can create a signing request for the already existing Default (self-signed) certificate.3. In the system controller list, click New.4. In the Add system controllers list, select the system controller(s) you want to add and clickAdd.Certificates1. Create a certificate signing request2. Use your CA (certificate authority) to sign the CSR (certificate signing request).3. Install certificateCreate a certificate signing request1. Go to Settings > Certificates.2. Click Create.3. In Create self-signed certificate, enter your values and click Create.4. Open the context menu next to the new certificate.5. Click Create signing request.6. In Create certificate signing request, click Create.7. In the Signing request dialog, copy the whole text and paste it into a file with the filename.csr .Install certificate1 Go to Settings > CertificatesAXIS W100 Body Worn Camera