10/19/21, 7:42 PM AXIS W100 Body Worn Camera User manualhttps://help.axis.com/axis-w100-body-worn-camera 64/68Problem Cause SolutionProblem Cause SolutionCan't see thefull User ID inthe visualwatermark.Only the first 12 characters ofthe User ID are shown in thevisual watermark.If the User ID is longer than12 characters, werecommend including themost unique part of it first.Can’t connectto body worncamera.The pairing is removed fromthe body worn system.Contact the systemadministrator and request anew pairing. Once youreceive the informationneeded, open the app andtap the new pairing icon .RFIDreaderThe LED onthe readerdoesn’t turngreen whenconnecting itto the systemcontroller.You are using an RFID readerthat is not supported by thebody worn system.Use External RFID CardReader 125kHz + 13.56MHzwith NFC (USB)Video No locationdata in textoverlayLocation data is turned off Turn Location data on in thecamera profileNo GPS signal at the start of therecording-No user ID intext overlayThe body worn user has nouser IDAdd a user ID to the bodyworn userHolstersensorRecordingdoesn’t startwhenunholsteringThe holster sensor is notconnected to the cameraWhen you connect thecamera to the holstersensor, make sure that it isin the camera’s range within10 minutes after youundock the camera. Undernormal circumstances therange is 5–10 m (16–33 ft.).AXIS W100 Body Worn Camera