Edit Compare DataThe Edit screen displays data that was previously read or entered in the text field. The Position of the cursor within the characters dis-played ([) in the text field is indicated at the top of the screen. Additionally, the number of characters is indicated by Length. Use the leftand right arrows below the software keyboard to move the cursor between the displayed characters. Place the cursor to the right of anycharacter and use the back-arrow at the top of the screen to delete that character. Use the button at the bottom right of the screen tocycle through different character entry keyboards: text entry (with a button to toggle between upper- and lower-case characters), numericentry, special character entry, and hex character entry.Last Read DataClick the Show last read data button to use the last read barcode data for the data compareMask DataTo mask characters in the data, move the cursor to the left of the character(s) to be masked, and click the Mask button. A maskedcharacter will appear gray with a strikeout (\) indicator. To unmask a previously masked character, click the UnMask button. Note that,when using Remote Teach to set new barcode data, if the previous input data contained any masked characters, Remote Teach willretain the masked characters only if the new data is of the same length as the previous input data. If the length does not match, maskingis removed.iVu Plus BCR User's ManualRev. B www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164 47