Command Group Item Descriptionpixels This value can be modi-fied using the sensor'stouchscreen. This remotelymodified value is not persistedto the sensors permanent mem-ory. The 'Save' operation is re-quired to persist this value.Set Imager Gain The sensor's value used toelectronically brighten all imagepixels This value can be modi-fied using the sensor'stouchscreen. This remotelymodified value is not persistedto the sensors permanent mem-ory. The 'Save' operation is re-quired to persist this value.Get Imager Exposure The sensor's value used to con-trol the amount of time the im-ager is allowed to gather lightfor the image. This value can bemodified using the sensor'stouchscreen. This remotelymodified value is not persistedto the sensors permanent mem-ory. The 'Save' operation is re-quired to persist this value.Set Imager Exposure The sensor's value used to con-trol the amount of time the im-ager is allowed to gather lightfor the image. This value can bemodified using the sensor'stouchscreen. This remotelymodified value is not persistedto the sensors permanent mem-ory. The 'Save' operation is re-quired to persist this value.Examples>> get imager exposure\x0D\x0A<< OK\x0D\x0A<< Command\x0D\x0A>> set imager exposure"11900"\x0D\x0A<< OK\x0D\x0AiVu Plus BCR User's ManualRev. B - tel: 763-544-3164 91