en_BA_RR30_IO-Link_V0.23.docx 12/40 Baumer Electric AG13.01.2021/ Frauenfeld, Switzerland4.3 Switching Signal Channel (SSC)The sensor features three different switching channels. Switching Signal Channels SSC1 and SSC2 arereserved for distance measurements, whereas Switching Channel 4 has a counter function with an auto-reset. All switching channels can be adjusted via IO-Link. All switching channels can be mapped to the MDCas well.For more information about how to set-up the Counter/SSC4 channel and its behavior, please see section Setpoint SPUsing this parameter the user can modify the switching point of the sensor by entering the distance value atwhich the sensor should switch (teach-by-value function), change the value For Single point mode only SP1is relevant, SP2 is not active. For the Window mode SP1 & SP2 are active. The switching modes areexplained in section 4.3.4Figure 6 Single Point ModeSP1: Switch point 1SP2: is not activeFigure 7 Window ModeSP1: Switch point 1SP2: Switch point 2Parameter name Short Description Rights Unit / Allowed valuesSSC1 Param.SP 1 Set the distance at which the relatedSSC is set to active (or inactive ifinverted) rwLimits:- 200 - 8000 mm;- 300 - 15000 mm;- 400 - 80000 mm;Default: 1000 mmSSC1 Param.SP 2 Set the distance at which the relatedSSC is set to inactive (or active ifinverted). Only active if SSC is set towindow mode rwLimits:- 200 - 8000 mm;- 300 - 15000 mm;- 400 - 80000 mm;Default:2000 mm; 5000 mm;20000 mm