en_BA_RR30_IO-Link_V0.23.docx 32/40 Baumer Electric AG13.01.2021/ Frauenfeld, Switzerland4.12.1 StandardThe standard profile sets the parameters in a way that many common applications ( e.g. a clear definedtarget without other without disturbing effects) can be solved. The sensor should deliver reasonable resultswhen operating with good targets (material / surface structure / size / angel / etc.). This profile is the defaultsetting.4.12.2 Fill level fluid: slowThe Profile “Fill level fluid slow” can be used for a detection of fill level in e.g. liquid tanks. If the level in thetank is not changing slowly and the fluids have high viscosity (e.g. glues / pasty goods / etc.) the this profileshould be selected. The profile works well inside a tank where no barriers or disturbing elements are present(mixer, stirrer, bars, pipes). If a stirrer is present please use the fast profile 4.12.3. Take care when operatinginside a tank where reflections (e.g. side reflections) can influence the measurement. Foam in general mighthave a negative effect on the measurement of the liquid level. The profile can also be used for solid materialsthat have a high percentage of humidity.4.12.3 Fill level fluid: fastUse this profile if the changes of the level are fast. if e.g. the filling or emptying of tanks requires a stablemeasurement. Also when disturbing object like mixer are interfering with the radar beam we recommend fastprofile. Rotations of the stirrer between 20 and 60 rot/min are covered by the original settings. For faster orslower movement parameters like disruption filter should be adjusted. Use this profile also for level withwaves or out sticking objects.4.12.4 Fill level solidCompared to the fluid substance the handling and detection of solid substance is more difficult. As thestructure of the substances is mostly not flat (compared to the surfaces inside liquid tanks) this has a stronginfluence of the measurement accuracy. The predefined profile is parametrized in a way to obtain adequateresults when detecting e.g. a level of granular substances inside a silo. Due to the physically detectioncapability of radar radiation a grain size of <1 mm and >5 mm can be detected easier the objects with sizewithin 1 and 5 mm. As mentioned a lot of different parameter of the tank / reservoir / vessel environment andthe physical characteristic of the substance might have an impact on the signal so the sensor parametersmust be adjusted accordingly. Use this profile also when the material forms a pile.4.12.5 Fast detectionIf using the “Fast detection-Profile“ the sensor will try to find as fast as possible any target. The Sensor willbe adjusted to find also the fastest and smallest target. The profile can be use e.g. for environmental scan orcollision avoiding application, generally if the sensor has no object in its field of view most of the time. As thesensor is set very sensitive the risk in finding wrong and not desired targets is given, therefore use only ifnecessary. The profile uses no filtering.The tracking profiles are needed if the goal is to follow a detected target over a longer distance. Once thetarget is detected (set) the sensor will try to stick with this object as far as this one is detected. The sensorwill search a new target by a defined peak selection only if the “old” one is completely lost.Tracking is needed if disturbing objects in the view of the sensor have higher or stronger reflections than thewanted target and this one is in move. Due to the nature of the profile a categorization to a specific speedlevel of the targets is needed. See also 4.7.5