en_BA_RR30_IO-Link_V0.23.docx 33/40 Baumer Electric AG13.01.2021/ Frauenfeld, Switzerland4.12.6 Tracking: slowThe “Tracking: slow - Profile” can be used for very slow or a not moving target. For good result the speed ofthe target should be less < 0,01 m/s.4.12.7 Tracking: standardThe Tracking “Tracking: Standard “-Profile should be selected when the objects are moving with a speed upto a maximum speed of 1 m/s. In cases the profile will not work proper please select the slower or fasterversion to test if an improvement can be achieved.4.12.8 Tracking: fastThe Tracking “Tracking : Fast“-Profile should be selected when the object is moving with a speed of > 1 m/sup to a maximum speed of 10 m/s. The maximum speed range depends on the characteristic of the objectivesurface. For faster objects no tracking can be chosen. A good trackable surface can be detected at a higherspeed compared to a bad detectable target. In case the profile will not work proper please select the slowerversion to test if an improvement can be achieved.5 DiagnosisIn addition to solving the primary application, the evaluation of secondary data, such as temperature, supplyvoltage or operating time, allows a predictive maintenance and thus optimum machine availability.5.1 Device StatusParameter name Short Description Rights Unit / Allowed valuesDevice Status Indicates if the sensor isworking properlyro - 0 = Device is OK- 2 = Out of Specification- 4 = FailureDetailed Device Status ro5.2 Device TemperatureAn integrated sensor allows to track the internal temperature of the radar.Please be aware that the measured values are higher than the ambient temperature due to the internalheating of the radar.The temperature may also vary due to mounting conditions and the electric load connected at the output.Parameter name Short Description Rights Unit / Allowed valuesDevice Temperature Reset Resets the devicetemperature statisticwoDevice Temperature.Current Internal temperature of thesensorroDevice Temperature.ResettableMinMinimal measured internaltemperature of the sensor(Resettable)roDevice Temperature.ResettableMaxMaximal measured internaltemperature of the sensor(Resettable)ro