en_BA_O200_IO-Link_V1.docx 18/34 Baumer Electric AG15.08.2018/ Frauenfeld, Switzerland4.3.4 Counter / SSC4For each individual SSC a switching counter is implemented, which can be used as diagnosis data or also asmeasurement value. The number of counts of each channel can also be mapped to the measurement datachannel MDC by adjusting the MDC source (See section 4.2.3).Trigger of counter is on positive slope of related SSC.By configuring SSC4, it is also possible to set up a binary signal related to the number of switchcounts ofSSC1. An auto-reset and timefilters are included, to be able to create a full-featured counter being able tocount lot sizes without any need to code software on the PLC.As all SSCs, SSC4 can also be mapped to the digital output giving the possibility to create a stand-alone lot-size counter.In section 3.1, the signal path is decribed more detailed, to illustrate how the counter module is implemented.In section the behavior depending on the configuration is explained. SSC4 ConfigurationIn general the SSC4 offers the same features as the SSC1 and SSC2 based on distance (See 4.3.2),including also timefilters.Exceptions:- No hysteresis settings as there are only incremental counts.- Additional parameters to adjust like SSC4 Source and SSC4 Auto-Reset.Parameter name Short Description Rights Unit / Allowed valuesSSC4 Setpoints.SP1 Set the number of counts at which theSSC is set to active (or inactive ifinverted)rw Counts / 0 to 32759SSC4 Setpoints.SP2 Set the number of counts at at which theSSC is set to inactive (or active ifinverted)- only active if SSC is set towindow moderw Counts / 0 to 32759Parameter name Short Description Rights Unit / Allowed valuesSSC4 Config.Logic Changes the Logic from NO to NC rw - Normal- InvertedSSC4 Config.Mode Selection of the switching mode rw - Single Point- WindowSSC4 Config.Source Selection of source for counterfunctionrw - SSC1 Switch CounterSSC4 Config.Auto Reset Autoreset of switch counter if givenswitch counts are reached.If autoreset is switched fromdisabled to enabled, the selectedswitch counter-source isautomatically being reset to zero.rw - Enabled- Disabled