117SettingsName device*You can change the name of a devicedisplayed in the Bluetooth device list. Select the device to be named from thedevice list. Press the rotary control/push buttonand hold until the following menuappears. Select the Ihrqrvpr entry. Enter the desired name. For thispurpose, proceed as described in“Data entry menus” auf Seite 13.The changed name will be shown in thedevice list.Deleting a device from the list*You can delete devices from theBluetooth device list which are not usedor which are outdated. Select the device to be deleted fromthe device list. Press the rotary control/push buttonand hold until the following menuappears. Select the 9ryrrs
yv entry. When the next prompt appears, select`r to delete the entry or I to retain it.The device will be deleted or retained onthe basis of the selection.Connecting and disconnectingdevices*Before a Bluetoothdevice is able tocommunicate with the Traffic Pro, itmust be connected to the system.You can initiate this connection from theTraffic Pro or from the external device.703370347035Note:It is not yet clear whether connection ispossible in both directions with alldevices using Bluetooth® wirelesstechnology. In the event that theconnection cannot be established fromthe Traffic Pro, try initiating theconnection from the external device,and vice versa.*Only available for the Traffic Pro with Bluetooth® wireless technology.