136Voice modeGeneral information about thevoice control systemThe primary principle of voice mode isthat you can read out all the commandsyou can see in the display.In order to optimise the ability of thevoice control system to understand thecommands, please note:• Speak continuously and at normal vol-ume. Avoid long pauses and excessiveemphasis.• Observe the instructions about theposition of the microphone in theinstallation guide.• Make sure that you speak as directlyas possible into the microphone.• Reduce interference by closing win-dows, doors and the sliding roof.• Avoid ambient noise in the vehiclewhen entering voice commands (e.g.conversations between other passen-gers going on at the same time).• Ambient noise increases the faster thevehicle is travelling. You shouldtherefore speak more loudly at higherspeeds.• Do not enter voice commands whilstan announcement is being made.Activating the voice controlsystemThe voice control system becomes avail-able shortly after the Traffic Pro isswitched on.In order that conversations going oninside the vehicle do not trigger the unitaccidentally, the voice control systemmust first be activated before it can beused. Press the rotary control/push button.The Traffic Pro displays a border aroundthe current display and prompts you tomake an entry by emitting a signaltone . Voice dialogue starts.Notes:Depending on the setting in “Automaticdialogue” on page 126, a voice dia-logue will be started automaticallywhen , , , *and are pressed.*Only available for the Traffic Pro with Bluetooth® wireless technology.