152Voice modeCommands in the TP menuIn the TP menu, the following com-mands are available (page 67):• Switch TP on/off.Switch on:Say the command Traffic pro-gramme on.Alternative commands:Traffic info on, [Activate] trafficprogramme or [Activate] traffic info.• Switch off:Say the command Traffic pro-gramme off.Alternative commands:Traffic info off, Deactivate trafficprogramme, Reset traffic pro-gramme, Deactivate traffic info orReset traffic info.• Set TP station selection to automatic.Say the command Station auto-matic.Alternative commands:[Search for] [traffic info] automati-cally or [Search for] [traffic info sta-tion] automatically.• Select a TP station manually.Say the command Station number... (1 - X).Alternative commands:[Set] traffic programme [number] ...(1 - X) or [Set] station [number] ... (1- X).• Call up TP volume setting.Say the command Volume.Alternative commands:Set traffic info volume, Set trafficprogramme volume or Set volume.Commands in the Voice Entries menuIn the Voice Entries menu, the followingcommands are available (page 66):• Switch voice dialogue on/off whensaving.Switch on:Say the command Dialogue forvoice entries [on] or Activate dia-logue for voice entries.Switch off:Say the command Dialogue forvoice entries off or Deactivate dia-logue for voice entries.• Read out assigned voice entries.Say the command Read outentries.Alternative commands:Read out [all] voice entries or Readout [all] entries.3013 3024