35Navigation modeNavigation fast accessIn navigation fast access mode, the last50 destinations to which the vehicle hastravelled are displayed.The destinations 1 - 20 are numbered forselection using the voice control.You may:• Start navigation directly to these desti-nations• Protect the entries in fast access, i.e.the entry will not be deleted when themaximum number of destinations isreached. The oldest unprotected entrywill be deleted.• Delete individual fast access entries.• Delete the entire fast access list.• Save an entry from the fast access listto the address book. Press .The navigation fast access functionappears.Navigating from fast access Call up the navigation fast accessfunction. Turn the rotary control/push buttonand then press the rotary control/pushbutton to select the required target fromthe list.Route guidance to this destination willbe started immediately.Protecting an entry Call up the navigation fast accessfunction. Select the entry to be protected. Press the rotary control/push buttonuntil a menu appears. Select the Q
entry. Switch protection on ( ) or off ( )by pressing the rotary control/pushbutton .Protected entries are identified by thesymbol.2002Note:A protected entry is only protected frombeing deleted in fast access mode.However, you can delete this protectedentry individually, and it will also bedeleted when the complete list isdeleted.