Ethernet Interface Configuration6H122-16 User’s Guide5-693. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER.The message “SAVED OK” displays and Local Management savesthe changes to memory. The selected mode is displayed in both theDesired Operational Mode field and the Current Operational Modefield.5.19.3 Setting the Advertised AbilityDuring normal operation, ports 1 through 16 auto-negotiate to the highestspeed possible. Under some circumstances, the Network Administratormay want the port to advertise only some of the available modes and notoperate in other modes. This field steps between 10BASE-T,10BASE-TFD (full duplex), 100BASE-TX, and 100BASE-TXFD (ports15 and 16 only).To set the advertised ability, proceed as follows:1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Advertised Ability field.2. Use the SPACE bar to select the desired mode.3. Use the RIGHT-ARROW key to move across to theEnabled/Disabled field to the right of the selection.4. Use the SPACE bar to select Enabled or Disabled. Press ENTER.Continue this process until you have completed enabling or disablingthe advertised modes.5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER.The message “SAVED OK” displays and Local Management savesthe changes to memory.5.19.4 Setting the Flow Control Admin StatusThis field toggles between ENABLED and DISABLED. To enable ordisable Flow Control, do the following:1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Flow Control Admin Status field.2. Use the SPACE bar to toggle the field to the desired setting. PressENTER.3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER.The message “SAVED OK” displays and Local Management savesthe changes to memory. The selected mode is displayed in the field.