Chapter 5: Local Management5-306H122-16 User’s GuideChassis Fan Status (Read-Only)Displays the current status of the 6C105 fan tray. This field will readeither “Normal” (fan tray is operating properly), “Fault” (fan tray isdefective), or “Not Installed” (no fan tray installed-not a valid operatingmode, see caution).5.11 PORT REDIRECT FUNCTION SCREENThe Port Redirect Function screen, Figure 5-14, allows the user to seteach one of the modules in the chassis (1 through 5), and the ports of thecorresponding module installed, as a source or destination port. A portcan be set to have one or more destination ports and chassis module slotnumbers. For example, port 1 in module (slot) 1 can be set as a sourceport with three destinations, ports 2, 3, and 4 in module (slot) 3. Trafficfrom port 1 in module 1 is then automatically redirected to ports 2, 3, and4 in module 3. Port 1 in module 1 can also serve as a destination port forother ports and modules. The port redirect function is extremely useful fortroubleshooting purposes, as it allows traffic to be sent to a particularport(s) where, with the use of an analyzer or RMON probe, all currenttraffic from the source port(s) can be examined.!CAUTIONOperating a chassis without a fan tray installed may cause thechassis or installed modules to overheat and become a firehazard. Cabletron Systems does not recommend operation ofa chassis without a fully functioning fan tray unit.NOTEThe Port Redirect Function screen may not be availabledepending on the operational mode that has been set for thechassis. Refer to your Release Notes to see what operationalmodes support the Port Redirect Function. Refer toSection 5.7.7, Setting the Operational Mode, for instructionson configuring the operational mode of all the modules installedin the chassis.NOTESThe module number corresponds to the slot number in whichthe module resides in the 6C105 chassis (1 through 5).Although traffic from the source port (including, if desired,errored frames) is sent to the destination port, normal switchingis still performed for all frames on the source port.