Chapter 5: Local Management5-26H122-16 User’s Guide5.2 LOCAL MANAGEMENT KEYBOARDCONVENTIONSAll key names appear as capital letters in this manual. Table 5-1 explainsthe keyboard conventions and the key functions that are used.Table 5-1 Keyboard ConventionsKey FunctionENTER KeyRETURN KeyThese are selection keys that perform the sameLocal Management function. For example, “PressENTER” means that you can press either ENTERor RETURN, unless this manual specificallyinstructs you otherwise.ESCAPE (ESC) KeyThis key allows an escape from a LocalManagement screen without saving changes. Forexample, “Press ESC twice” means the ESC keymust be pressed quickly two times.SPACE barBACKSPACE KeyThese keys cycle through selections in some LocalManagement fields. Use the SPACE bar to cycleforward through selections and use BACKSPACEto cycle backward through selections.Arrow KeysThese are navigation keys. Use the UP-ARROW,DOWN-ARROW, LEFT-ARROW, andRIGHT-ARROW keys to move the screen cursor.For example, “Use the arrow keys” means to presswhichever arrow key moves the cursor to thedesired field on the Local Management screen.[–] KeyThis key decreases values from a LocalManagement increment field. For example, “Press[–]” means to press the minus sign key.DEL KeyThe DEL (Delete) key removes characters from aLocal Management field. For example, “Press DEL”means to press the Delete key.