CONNECTIVITYOVERVIEWThe Central Site CyberSWITCH can communicate with various other CyberSWITCH products viaa PPP connection. This connection can be used to transmit data and provide remote managementof your remote systems with Telnet, TFTP and SNMP. We will describe how to set up a PPPconnection with other CyberSWITCH systems, including the CSX100, and with a PC using aterminal adapter or a modem. For these examples, we are assuming that CyberSWITCH “Remote”is the remote system, and will want to call into CyberSWITCH “Central”; Central may or may notwant to call Remote.C ONNECTING A C ENTRAL SITE P RODUCT TO A W ORKGROUP P RODUCT VIA PPPIn this section, we describe the configuration steps required for connecting a central site system toa workgroup system via PPP. Separate instructions are included for bridging, IP routing with anUnNumbered Interface, IPX routing, and AppleTalk routing configurations.BRIDGE TO B RIDGE CONFIGURATIONConfiguration for Site "Central"The configuration on Central to allow Bridging to Remote using PPP is as follows:1. Perform initial configuration steps.2. Select Options from the main menu.3. Select Bridging from the options menu, then ensure that bridging is enabled.4. Select IP Routing from the options menu, then disable IP routing to allow timely bridging of IPdata.ISDNServerCSX5500 CSX1200Phone 13135551111 Phone 13135552222"Central" "Remote"B25 B27B26 B28WORKGROUP REMOTE ACCESS SWITCHB29E1 ONLYB-CHANNELSLAN10BASE-TRXTXSERVICE B31B30 L1B21 B23B22 B24B17 B19B18 B20B13 B15B14 B16E1DT1DB9 B11B10 B12B5 B7B6 B8B1 B3B2 B4POWER