Chapter 4: Planning for HSIM-W6 ISDN Configuration30 HSIM-W6 User’s GuideCollect Network InformationBefore you begin, you need to obtain information about the network to which you are adding theHSIM-W6. Some of the information is obtained from your central site or remote site networkadministrator. Other information is obtained from your ISDN service provider.You must define the name and security password of the HSIM-W6, ISDN line information and theEthernet LAN IP and/or IPX address. You need to identify all of the remote routers and theirrouting and bridging capability, ISDN phone numbers, addressing and security information. Youalso need to decide whether you will use Internet Firewall Filtering if you are using IP routing. Thefollowing sections contain diagrams and tables to help you gather and organize the information.Names and PasswordsYou must choose a name for the HSIM-W6 and the authentication password, both of which areused by a remote site to authenticate the target router. For each remote router, you must have therouter name and its authentication password which is used by the HSIM-W6 to authenticate theremote router. The name and password are used in both PAP and CHAP authentication. Figure 3shows how this information is used.Figure 3 PAP AuthenticationSYSTEM NAME = CHICAGOSYSTEM PASSWORD = ABCREMOTE ROUTER DATABASEREMOTE = NEW YORKPASSWORD = XYZNEW YORK AND XYZACCEPTED/REJECTEDCHICAGOPAP AUTHENTICATIONNEW YORKSYSTEM NAME = NEW YORKSYSTEM PASSWORD = XYZREMOTE ROUTER DATABASEREMOTE = CHICAGOPASSWORD = ABC194408