Stationary or Very Slow-Moving Objects{CAUTION:Adaptive Cruise Control may not detect andreact to stationary or slow-moving vehicles orother objects ahead of you. You could crashinto an object ahead of you. Do not useAdaptive Cruise Control when approachingstationary or slow-moving vehicles or otherobjects.{CAUTION:Adaptive Cruise Control may not detect andreact to stationary or slow-moving vehicles orother objects ahead of you. Your vehicle mayaccelerate toward objects, such as a stoppedvehicle that suddenly appears after the leadvehicle changes lanes. Your complete attentionis always required while driving and you shouldbe ready to take action and apply the brakes.Low-Speed DeactivationIf your speed falls below 20 mph (32 km/h) whilefollowing a vehicle ahead, Adaptive Cruise Controlwill begin to disengage. The Driver Alert symbolwill flash and the warning beep will sound. The drivermust take action since Adaptive Cruise Control willnot slow the vehicle to a stop.Passing a Vehicle/Adaptive CruiseControl OverrideIf you need to increase speed to pass a vehicle,use the accelerator pedal. While you are doing this,the system will not automatically apply the brakes.A message will appear on the DIC. See DIC Warningsand Messages on page 3-73. Once you removeyour foot from the accelerator pedal, Adaptive CruiseControl will return to normal operation and be ableto apply the brakes, if needed.3-26