. The air is very humid. If so, wait about an hour andtry again.. The format of the CD might not be compatible.See Using an MP3 on page 4‑108 later in thissection.. A problem may have occurred while burningthe CD.. The label could be caught in the CD player.If the CD is not playing correctly for any other reason,try a known good CD.If any error occurs repeatedly or if an error cannot becorrected, contact your dealer/retailer. If the radiodisplays an error message, write it down and provide itto your dealer/retailer when reporting the problem.Configurable Radio Display KeysThe four keys located on each side of the radio displaycan be configured to adjust the radio features and othernon-radio related features. The configurable keys canbe changed at any time. Once a feature is programmedto a key, the feature does not display whenprogramming the remaining configurable keys.To program the configurable radio display keys:1. Press w to enter the main menu.2. Turn w until SETUP displays.3. Press w to enter into SETUP.4. Turn w until CONFIGURE DISPLAY KEYSdisplays.5. Press w to enter into CONFIGUREDISPLAY KEYS.6. Turn and then press w to select the configurablekey to be changed. The currently assigned featuredisplays.7. Turn w to find the feature that will be stored tothe key.8. Press w to select the desired feature. Thedisplay updates by showing the symbol of thefeature selected next to the configurable key.9. Repeat the previous steps for eachconfigurable key.4-107Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com