Black plate (36,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 20117-36 Infotainment SystemRemote Control ButtonsO (Power): Press this button toturn the video screen on and off.P (Illumination): Press this buttonto turn the remote control backlighton. The backlight automaticallytimes out after 7 to 10 seconds if noother button is pressed while thebacklight is on.v (Title): Press this button toreturn the DVD to the main menu ofthe DVD. This function could varyfor each disc.y (Main Menu): Press this buttonto access the DVD or MP3 menu.The DVD menu is different on everyDVD. Use the navigation arrows tomove the cursor around the DVDmenu. After making a selectionpress the enter button. This buttononly operates when using a DVD orMP3 disc.n, q, p, o (Menu NavigationArrows): Use the arrow buttons tonavigate through a menu.r (Enter): Press this button toselect the choice that is highlightedin any menu.z (Display Menu): Press thisbutton to adjust the brightness,screen display mode (normal, full,or zoom), and display the languagemenu. This function could vary foreach disc.q (Return): Press this button toexit the current active menu andreturn to the previous menu. Thisbutton operates only when thedisplay menu or a DVD menu isactive.c (Stop): Press this button tostop playing, fast reversing, or fastforwarding a DVD. Press this buttontwice to return to the beginning ofthe DVD.s (Play/Pause): Press thisbutton to start playing a DVD. Pressthis button while a DVD is playing topause it. Press it again to continueplaying the DVD.While the DVD is playing, the DVDcan be played slowly by pressingthe play/pause button then pressingthe fast forward button. The DVDcontinues playing in a slow playmode. Also, reverse can be playedslowly by pressing the play/pausebutton and then pressing the fastreverse button. To cancel slow playmode, press the play/pause button.t (Previous Track/Chapter):Press this button to return to thestart of the current track or chapter.Press this button again to go to theprevious track or chapter. Thisbutton might not work when theDVD is playing the copyrightinformation or the previews.