Black plate (77,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 2011Infotainment System 7-77The GPS shows the current positionof the vehicle using signals sent bythe GPS Satellites of the UnitedStates Department of Defense.When the vehicle is not receivingsignals from the satellites, a symbolappears on the map screen. Referto Global Positioning System (GPS)on page 7‑76.This system may not be available orinterferences may occur if any of thefollowing are true:. Signals are obstructed by tallbuildings, trees, large trucks,or a tunnel.. Objects are located on the frontdash of the vehicle.. Satellites are being repaired orimproved.. After-market glass tinting hasbeen applied to the vehicle'swindshield.Notice: Do not apply after-marketglass tinting to the vehicle'swindows. Glass tinting interfereswith the system's ability toreceive GPS signals and causesthe system to malfunction.The window might have to bereplaced to correct the problem.This would not be covered by thewarranty.For more information if the GPS isnot functioning properly, see VehiclePositioning on page 7‑77 andProblems with Route Guidance onpage 7‑78.Vehicle PositioningAt times, the position of the vehicleon the map may be inaccurate dueto one or more of the followingreasons:. Road system has changed.. Vehicle is driving on slipperyroad surfaces such as in sand,gravel, and/or snow.. Vehicle is traveling on windingroads.. Vehicle is on a longstraight road.. Vehicle is approaching a tallbuilding or a large vehicle.. Surface streets run parallel to afreeway.. Vehicle has just been transferredby a vehicle carrier or a ferry.. Current position calibration is setincorrectly.. Vehicle is traveling at highspeed.. Vehicle changes directions morethan once, or when the vehicle isturning on a turn table in aparking lot.. Vehicle is entering and/or exitinga parking lot or a garage.. GPS signal is not received.. Roof carrier is installed on thevehicle.