Black plate (20,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 201110-20 Vehicle CareChecking CoolantThe vehicle must be on a levelsurface when checking the coolantlevel.Check to see if coolant is visible inthe coolant surge tank. If the coolantinside the coolant surge tank isboiling, do not do anything else untilit cools down. If coolant is visiblebut the coolant level is not at orabove the FULL COLD mark, add a50/50 mixture of clean, drinkablewater and DEX-COOL coolant at thecoolant surge tank, but be sure thecooling system is cool before thisis done.The coolant surge tank is located inthe engine compartment on thepassenger side of the vehicle. SeeEngine Compartment Overview onpage 10‑6 for more information onlocation.The coolant level should be at orabove the FULL COLD mark. If it isnot, the vehicle may have a leak inthe cooling system.How to Add Coolant to theSurge Tank{ WARNINGYou can be burned if you spillcoolant on hot engine parts.Coolant contains ethylene glycoland it will burn if the engine partsare hot enough. Do not spillcoolant on a hot engine.Notice: This vehicle has aspecific coolant fill procedure.Failure to follow this procedurecould cause the engine tooverheat and be severelydamaged.