Black plate (13,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 2011Vehicle Care 10-13Automatic TransmissionFluidWhen to Check and ChangeAutomatic Transmission FluidIt is usually not necessary to checkthe transmission fluid level. Theonly reason for fluid loss is atransmission leak or overheating thetransmission. If a small leak issuspected, then use the followingchecking procedures to check thefluid level. However, if there is alarge leak, then it may be necessaryto have the vehicle towed to adealer service department and haveit repaired before driving the vehiclefurther.Notice: Use of the incorrectautomatic transmission fluidmay damage the vehicle, and thedamages may not be covered bythe vehicle's warranty. Alwaysuse the automatic transmissionfluid listed in RecommendedFluids and Lubricants onpage 11‑7.Change the fluid and filter at thescheduled maintenance intervalslisted in Scheduled Maintenance onpage 11‑2. Be sure to use thetransmission fluid listed inRecommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑7.How to Check AutomaticTransmission FluidNotice: Too much or toolittle fluid can damage thetransmission. Too much canmean that some of the fluid couldcome out and fall on hot engineparts or exhaust system parts,starting a fire. Too little fluidcould cause the transmission tooverheat. Be sure to get anaccurate reading if checking thetransmission fluid.Before checking the fluid level,prepare the vehicle as follows:1. Start the engine and park thevehicle on a level surface. Keepthe engine running.2. Apply the parking brake andplace the shift lever in P (Park).3. With your foot on the brakepedal, move the shift leverthrough each gear range,pausing for about three secondsin each range. Then, move theshift lever back to P (Park).4. Allow the engine to idle(500 – 800 rpm) for at leastone minute. Slowly release thebrake pedal.5. Keep the engine running andpress the Trip/Fuel button ortrip odometer reset stem untilTRANS TEMP (TransmissionTemperature) displays on theDriver Information Center (DIC).