To reset AVG MPH using the Base audio system,press the CLR button located to the right of the screen.The display will return to zero.To reset the Average Vehicle Speed using the Navigationsystem, press and hold the vehicle information button inthe upper right corner of the screen for three seconds tobring up the Vehicle Information menu. Use the up anddown arrows on the screen to select Average VehicleSpeed and then touch the RESET button. Touch theRETURN buttonon the screen to go back to the previous page.TIMER/Timer: If you select this item, a timing feature isdisplayed. The timer functions like a stopwatch in thatyou can record the time it takes to travel from one pointto another.To turn on the timer using the Base audio system,press the CLR button located to the right of the screenonce. To turn off the Timer using the Base audiosystem, press the CLR button again.When the timer is off, the display will show the timervalue and TIMER OFF. The timing feature will stop.To reset the timer using the Base audio system, turn offthe timer and then press and hold the CLR button.The display will return to zero.To turn on the Timer using the Navigation system, pressand hold the vehicle information button located in theupper right corner of the screen for three secondsto bring up the Vehicle Information menu. Use the upand down arrows on the screen to select timer and thenpress the ON button on the screen. Touch theRETURN button on the screen to go back to theprevious page.To reset the Timer using the Navigation system, pressand hold the vehicle information button in the upperright corner of the screen for three seconds to bring upthe Vehicle Information menu. Use the up and downarrows on the screen to select Timer and then touch theRESET button. Touch the RETURN button on thescreen to go back to the previous page.3-57