But the ability to drive is affected well below a BAC of0.10 percent. Research shows that the driving skillsof many people are impaired at a BAC approaching0.05 percent, and that the effects are worse at night.All drivers are impaired at BAC levels above0.05 percent. Statistics show that the chance of beingin a collision increases sharply for drivers who havea BAC of 0.05 percent or above. A driver with a BAClevel of 0.06 percent has doubled his or her chanceof having a collision. At a BAC level of 0.10 percent,the chance of this driver having a collision is 12 timesgreater; at a level of 0.15 percent, the chance is25 times greater!The body takes about an hour to rid itself of the alcoholin one drink. No amount of coffee or number of coldshowers will speed that up. “I will be careful” is not theright answer. What if there is an emergency, a needto take sudden action, as when a child darts intothe street? A person with even a moderate BAC mightnot be able to react quickly enough to avoid thecollision.There is something else about drinking and driving thatmany people do not know. Medical research showsthat alcohol in a person’s system can make crashinjuries worse, especially injuries to the brain, spinalcord or heart. This means that when anyone who hasbeen drinking — driver or passenger — is in a crash,that person’s chance of being killed or permanentlydisabled is higher than if the person had not beendrinking.{CAUTION:Drinking and then driving is very dangerous.Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness andjudgment can be affected by even a smallamount of alcohol. You can have a serious — oreven fatal — collision if you drive after drinking.Please do not drink and drive or ride with adriver who has been drinking. Ride home in acab; or if you are with a group, designate adriver who will not drink.4-5